Mega Man 2 (NES) Boss Guide – RetroMaggedon Gaming (2025)

Mega Man 2 (NES) Boss Guide – RetroMaggedon Gaming (1)

Mega Man 2 (Nintendo Entertainment System) Boss Guide

~by tankMage (April 2018)

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Mega Man 2 is unique among it’s counterparts on the NES in that the North American release has two difficulty settings: Normal and Difficult. This guide provides strategies designed specifically for both difficulty modes and reveals a number of tricks that can make clearing the game a bit easier.


Quick Reference Weakness/Reward Chart

Robot Masters Guide

Wily Stage Bosses

Quick Reference Weakness/Reward Chart

Robot Masters

Air ManMega Buster, Leaf ShieldAir Shooter, Item 2
Crash ManAir ShooterCrash Bomber
Flash ManCrash Bomber, Metal BladeTime Stopper, Item 3
Quick ManTime Stopper, Crash Bomber, Mega BusterQuick Boomerang
Metal ManQuick Boomerang, Metal Blade, Mega BusterMetal Blade
Bubble ManMetal Blade, Crash Bomber, Mega BusterBubble Lead
Heat ManBubble Lead, Air ShooterAtomic Fire, Item 1
Wood ManAtomic Fire, Metal BladeLeaf Shield

Wily Stage Bosses

1Mecha DragonAtomic Fire, Quick Boomerangs
2Picopico-KunBubble Lead, Metal Blade
3Guts TankQuick Boomerang, Crash Bomber, Atomic Fire
4BooBeamCrash Bomber (The Crash Bomber is the only weapon that can harm this boss.)
5Wiley Machine No.2 (Phase 1)Atomic Fire, Metal Blade, Crash Bomber
5Wiley Machine No.2 (Phase 2)Air Shooter, Crash Bomber
6AlienBubble Lead (Only the Bubble Lead can damage this boss.)

Robot Masters Guide

This section deals with strategies that can be employed against each boss in Mega Man 2. The first weapon listed under “Weakness” is generally the most effective, though in some cases, arguments can be made for the use of another weapon and the player is encouraged to experiment with a variety of weapons as well as different boss orders.

Recommended Order

The player is free to challenge the initial eight stages in any order he or she wishes. The following boss orders have been devised with three things in mind: the overall difficulty of the stage, the weakness of the boss, and the items given to the player upon victory.

Boss Order 1

This boss order is geared towards getting the special weapons needed to defeat the robot masters and items that can be used to bypass obstacles (such as disappearing blocks) in later stages in a convenient manner. Well suited to both Normal and Difficult modes.

Air Man> Crash Man> Flash Man> Quick Man> Metal Man> Bubble Man> Heat Man> Wood Man

Boss Order 2

The Metal Blade is a popular weapon among fans and this boss order is structured so players can get it as soon as possible. Keep in mind that this sequence works better on Normal mode where the Metal Blades are more effective. There’s also quite a bit of flexibility in this boss order on normal mode, because enemies like Wood Man and Flash Man can be beaten using the Metal Blades without much hassle. The order listed here will require the player to navigate stages that have some nasty obstacles without the benefit of Item 1, 2, or 3.

Metal Man> Bubble Man> Heat Man> Wood Man> Air Man> Crash Man> Flash Man> Quick Man

Air Man

Mega Man 2 (NES) Boss Guide – RetroMaggedon Gaming (2)

Weakness: Mega Buster, Leaf Shield

Reward: Air Shooter, Item 2

General Strategy

Air Man will fire small twisters at Mega Man that fill much of the screen, then rapidly move toward Mega Man after a second, but with careful timing the player can jump over the lowest twister and avoid taking damage. Watch out for patterns that cannot be avoided. Mega Man will be pushed backwards by Air Man’s weapon, so players will have to compensate for this by moving forward carefully. Air Man will leap to the center then, the other side of the room after using his air shooter attack three times. It is possible to stay far back and jump through the twisters, but this takes a lot of finesse and practice, especially if two low twisters spawn close together. It is often easier to rush Air Man and shoot him as quickly as possible, which can destroy him after he fires off maybe two or three rounds of twisters, of course you will take a good bit of damage doing so. You can also carefully time jump shots to fire over the lowest twister and hit the boss, which greatly reduces your likelihood of getting hit. Staying right by the wall can allow you to get easy hits in on Air Man after he leaps towards you, but watch out: The wind he generates can still push you into him. If you are fighting him with the Leaf Shield, you’ll have to deploy the shield after dodging Air Man’s tornadoes, because the shield will be destroyed if his twisters touch it.

Normal Mode

Using the more direct method of attack (running straight at air Man and hitting him as fast as possible) works well on normal since the twisters only deal four damage to you. Seven hits with the Mega Buster will destroy Air Man.

Difficult Mode

On difficult Air Man uses the same attack pattern, but he can take fourteen hits from the Mega Buster. As a result, the brute force method is less likely to succeed unless you manage to avoid some of his twisters.

Crash Man

Mega Man 2 (NES) Boss Guide – RetroMaggedon Gaming (3)

Weakness: Air Shooter

Reward: Crash Bomber

General Strategy

Crash Man will bounce around the room, firing bombs at a 45 degree angle. These bombs latch onto the ground, then explode after a second. The boss will usually perform a few short hops, followed by a long one. His bombs can be avoided simply by walking in the opposite direction while Crash Man is jumping. Remember that he tends to fire off his bombs when he reaches the apex of his jump. The Air Shooter can devastate Crash Man, especially if you jump towards him and fire it at point blank range. Firing the air Shooter while Crash is above you is another way to hit him that is slightly safer, but he will most likely only take damage from a single twister.

Normal Mode

A well placed Air Shooter blast can kill this boss in a single hit, otherwise you’ll have to fire it off two or three times to defeat him.

Difficult Mode

Crash can survive contact with a point blank Air Shooter attack on difficult, so you’ll have to hit him at least twice to win.

Flash Man

Mega Man 2 (NES) Boss Guide – RetroMaggedon Gaming (4)

Weakness: Crash Bomber, Metal Blade

Reward: Time Stopper, Item 3

General Strategy

Flash Man tends to follow Mega Man around the room and will negotiate the uneven floor by performing short hops. You have about five seconds before Flash will use his Time Stopper ability, which will freeze you in place for a moment while the boss fires a burst of shots that travel in a semi straight line. Flash will react to your shots with a short hop. Mega Man can either hit Flash Man with the Crash Bomber directly, which deals a fair amount of damage or set a trap by latching the bomb to the floor and luring Flash towards it. The explosion from Crash Man’s weapon will hit Flash multiple times, heavily damaging him, especially if Time Stopper is active due to the boss’s habit of standing still to fire his blaster. The best spot to set a trap is the side of the room opposite the entrance, because it is easy to use the depression in the floor as a trap for Flash Man, who follows Mega Man incessantly. Be aware that Flash Man will not always follow you and will sometimes move away from Mega Man.

Normal Mode

As always, this boss can sustain less damage before dying. In fact five hits with the bomb will kill Flash and one or two direct explosions will end the battle almost immediately.

Difficult Mode

There is less room for error if you rely solely on the Crash Bomber here, because it will take ten shots or up to three explosions to beat Flash Man on difficult. Setting up traps will make this battle far easier.

Quick Man

Mega Man 2 (NES) Boss Guide – RetroMaggedon Gaming (5)

Weakness: Time Stopper, Crash Bomber, Mega Buster

Reward: Quick Boomerang

General Strategy

It is tempting to use the Time Stopper to freeze the quick beams in this boss’s stage, but players should consider saving it for Quick Man himself, because he is one of the toughest robot masters. Quick Man will jump 2-3 times, throw his boomerangs, then try to ram you by running across the room. When thrown, the quick boomerangs move towards Mega Man’s position, hover for a moment then hurtle towards Mega Man a second time. It takes careful timing to jump out of the boomerangs’ way without getting hit by Quick Man. Fortunately, the Time Stopper will freeze Quick Man and cut his life in half if you have full weapon energy. The Crash Bomber also inflicts heavy damage on this boss, especially if he gets caught in it’s blast. Soften him up with a few Crash Bombers, then use Time Stopper to finish him.

Normal Mode

Quick hits hard, but two Crash Bombers and a fully powered Time Stopper will end him. You can also plink away at him with the Mega Buster.

Difficult Mode

While Quick takes full damage from the Time Stopper, even on difficult, the Crash Bomber only deals 50% damage as usual. You will need to hit Quick Man about 4 times with the Crash Bomber even if you use a full power Time Stopper, which gives him plenty of opportunity to pummel you with his attacks. Aim the Crash Bomber directly at the boss and try not to get fancy, because you can easily run out of weapon energy here.

Metal Man

Mega Man 2 (NES) Boss Guide – RetroMaggedon Gaming (6)

Weakness: Quick Boomerang, Metal Blade, Mega Buster

Reward: Metal Blade

General Strategy

Metal Man is a popular choice as a first boss, because the Mega Buster deals decent damage to him and his weapon is extremely powerful. With that said, the Quick Boomerang is also an effective weapon to to use on this boss and it will make the first encounter with him trivial. However, players should use Metal Man’s own weapon against him the second time they fight him, since it deals the most damage to him. Take note of the conveyor belt which will push you towards the wall. This boss will begin jumping and tossing Metal Blades after a few seconds. These blades are aimed at Mega Man and you’ll have to move out of their way or jump over them to avoid getting hit. You can force Metal Man into a loop very easily by approaching him right as the battle starts. Metal Man will leap to the other side of the room and pitch a Metal Blade at you. Turn around just as the boss jumps and run over to where he lands. If done properly, you will be able to force him to jump again, while his attack flies past you. At this point you can begin shooting him while running back and forth to lock him in a jump and shoot pattern. Needless to say, you can kill this boss without taking damage if you time your movements properly.

Normal Mode

The Mega Buster will put this boss down quickly on normal mode. The Quick Boomerang works even better.

Difficult Mode

You’ll find that this battle tends to draw out if you are relying on the Mega Buster, which makes forcing him into a loop more important.

Bubble Man

Mega Man 2 (NES) Boss Guide – RetroMaggedon Gaming (7)

Weakness: Metal Blade, Crash Bomber, Mega Buster

Reward: Bubble Lead

General Strategy

Bubble Man tends to jump from one side of the room to the other in a long, slow arc. He’ll fire bullets at Mega Man that are pretty easy to leap over, but the slow moving bouncing bubbles he produces can make dodging his attacks more difficult. The bubbles tend to bounce in the direction they were fired and can deflect Mega Buster shots. Sometimes Bubble Man will stay on the ground for a moment and shoot three bubbles before resuming his usual pattern. Matters are complicated by the spiked ceiling that players can suddenly collide with while fighting Bubble Man. The Metal Blade can pass through this boss’s attacks and hit him for significant damage. Use high jumps (but not too high!) to get away from the boss’s attacks and fling Metal Blades at him while you are in motion.

Normal & Difficult Mode

While it only takes about four Metal Blades to destroy Bubble Man on normal and it takes eight to defeat him on difficult, the Metal Blade can be fired so rapidly in any direction that this boss is trivial. The main threat in this fight is the spike lined ceiling, which you can crash into if you don’t control your jumps carefully.

Heat Man

Mega Man 2 (NES) Boss Guide – RetroMaggedon Gaming (8)

Weakness: Bubble Lead, Air Shooter

Reward: Atomic Fire, Item 1

General Strategy

Heat Man is one of the most predictable bosses in this game, he’ll stay on the opposite side of the room and pitch three fireballs that travel in an arc in your direction. These fireballs will hit the ground and turn into pillars of flame for a short while. There is not enough space between each pillar for Mega Man safely stand, so run forward right away and hop to avoid them. Hitting him with an attack will cause him to stop, surround himself in a protective fire barrier for a moment, then turn into a fire beam that travels horizontally to the other side of the room. Use the Bubble Lead, which will pass through the pillars and hit Heat Man. Jump over him when he teleports, pivot, and let another bubble go, then run away from the fireballs he chucks (Hit him fast enough and he won’t even throw his fireballs). Heat Man will move across the room again, opening himself up for another attack. You can repeat the process until he is dead.

Normal & Difficult Mode

Heat Man is almost the same in terms of challenge for both Normal and Difficult, because he is so easy to trap in an infinite loop. It really just comes down to how many hits he can take before dying, which is 3 for Normal and about 6 for Difficult.

Wood Man

Mega Man 2 (NES) Boss Guide – RetroMaggedon Gaming (9)

Weakness: Atomic Fire, Metal Blade

Reward: Leaf Shield

General Strategy

Wood Man uses a simple, yet effective strategy: Fill the room with projectiles. First, Wood Man will launch four leaves into the air that slowly drift to earth, while encircling himself with a leaf barrier. Once the final leaf is in the air he will throw the shield in Mega Man’s direction. Finally, he’ll hop forward and repeat the attack. Jump over the shield when he throws it and try to position yourself so that you are standing between the falling leaves when you land, then hop up into the air just as the leaves are about to reach the top of Mega Man’s head. If done correctly, the leaves will miss you. The Atomic Fire (Heat Man’s weapon) can deal massive damage to this boss, but has to be charged up in order to deal full damage. With the Atomic fire equipped, hold down the B button and wait about five seconds until Mega Man is flashing white, then release B while Wood Man’s Shield is down. The Metal Blade is also fairly effective if you run out of energy for the Atomic Fire.

Normal Mode

A fully charged Atomic Fire will destroy Wood Man in a single hit on normal.

Difficult Mode

Two fully charged Atomic Fire shots will destroy this boss. You can also use the Metal Blade, but it is not terribly effective since it’s damage is halved.

Wily Stage Bosses

Players cannot choose the order in which they challenge Dr. Wily’s Skull Castle, nor will their weapon energy be refilled between stages. As a result, you should be judicious with your special weapon usage and take any weapon energy drops you find, because you’ll want all the firepower you can muster for the stage bosses.

Stage 1: Mecha Dragon

Weakness: Atomic Fire, Quick Boomerangs

General Strategy

The Mecha Dragon will pursue Mega Man across a pit with blocks hanging over it once you reach the top floor of the level. The player will have to jump onto each block while staying ahead of the dragon. Touching the Mecha Dragon or falling into the pit will result in instant death. Mecha Dragon is invincible until his life meter appears on screen, so do not attack him. Eventually you’ll come to three blocks hovering in the air and the dragon will stop pursuing you. Mecha Dragon will begin moving around the left side of the screen in a circular pattern, while shooting fireballs at Mega Man’s position. Jump from platform to platform to avoid the fireballs. Charge up the Atomic Fire fully and blast the dragon in the face with it. You can also use the Quick Boomerang against the Mecha Dragon if you run out of Atomic Fire. Keep in mind that you can still fall to your death or die from contact with the dragon during the second phase of the battle.

Normal Mode

A single fully charged Atomic Fire will soften the dragon up a lot. You can hit him with the Quick Boomerang or another Atomic Fire to finish him off.

Difficult Mode

The Mecha Dragon can survive even two fully powered Atomic Fire Shots. It takes a long time to charge the Atomic Fire, so players may want to consider exclusively using the Quick Boomerang on the dragon to save time and reduce some of the risk associated with fighting this boss.

Stage 2: Picopico-Kun

Weakness: Bubble Lead, Metal Blade

General Strategy

Picopico-Kun is collection several small robots that make up the walls and floor of the chamber. These robots are composed of two separate blocks that will detach from the walls of the chamber and float towards each other in order to form into one unit that will hover towards Mega Man. Each piece of Picopico-Kun cannot be damaged until they have melded together, but they can hurt Mega Man. Jump over the blocks, then hit them with Bubble Lead as soon as they form up and start to move to destroy each Picopico. Destroying a Picopico-Kun will lower the boss’s life meter, but the blocks and Picopico-Kun will begin to move more quickly as the life meter decreases. Here is their attack pattern:

Picopico-Kun 1: Blocks come together from the left and right walls near the ceiling and form a unit in the center of the room. Just jump up and hit the Pico once it approaches you.

Picopico-Kun 2: The second unit forms up in the same manner, so jump and shoot it once it is vulnerable. Try to land in the center of the room and be ready to jump immediately after landing.

Picopico-Kun 3: Two blocks will come from the left and right walls once again, but this time they will glide along the floor. You’ll have to react quickly to jump over them after destroying the second unit. Take a few steps to the left wall after destroying Picopico-Kun 3.

Picopico-Kun 4: This one is composed of a block from the floor near the center of the room and one near the ceiling, stay to the left to avoid damage. Use Bubble Lead to eliminate it once it begins to track Mega Man.

Picopico-Kun 5: Stay to the left to avoid this Pico, which assembles itself on the right-hand side of the room.

Picopico-Kun 6: This one is made up of a block from the left wall and one from the right, both blocks come from about the middle of the wall. This makes it easy to avoid the blocks, but this Picopico-Kun moves quickly, so get ready to shoot it.

Picopico-Kun 7: Number 7 will assemble itself near the ceiling, so you don’t have to worry about getting hit by it. It will likely track you a bit, stop, then move again since it is out of the Bubble Lead’s a range. Lure it to the left-hand side of the room before blasting it.

Picopico-Kun 8: A block will rise up from the floor to the right and another will drop down from above it to meet near the center of the room. Move to the right after destroying it.

Picopico-Kun 9: This one will assemble itself from the floor and ceiling of the room to the far left. It moves very quickly, so have your weapon ready and jump right after blasting it.

Picopico-Kun 10: The tenth Pico is made up from a block from the lower right and left walls, so you will have to leap over it if you don’t want to get hit. Try to jump to the right and react with a quick shot, because this thing is FAST.

Picopico-Kun 11: Two more blocks will drift down from the floor and ceiling to the left. Hit it and run to the wall on the left.

Picopico-Kun 12: This one is made of two blocks that come from the floor and ceiling on the far right. A well aimed Bubble Lead will finish it.

Picopico-Kun 13: Take a few steps to the left or right and get ready to shoot the unit that assembles itself from the walls. You should be safe from the blocks as long as you don’t jump.

Picopico-Kun 14: The final unit is made up of blocks from the floor/ceiling on near the left wall. Run over to the right and hit it with a final Bubble Lead to defeat this boss.

Normal Mode and Difficult Mode

This battle is the same for both modes, because the Bubble Lead destroys the Picopico-Kun bots in a single hit. The Metal Blade is slightly more effective on normal mode than it is on difficult, however.

Stage 3: Guts Tank

Weakness: Quick Boomerang, Crash Bomber*, Atomic Fire

*Be conservative when you use the Crash Bomber, you’ll need it in the next stage.

General Strategy

The Guts Tank should look familiar to those who have played the original Mega Man. This time, Guts has a massive set of treads and can roll back and forth across the screen. Luckily he is slow and tends to reverse course after reaching the left third of the room. The Guts Tank will spawn Mets (Hard Hats) from his chest that will run towards the left-hand side of the screen, usually in groups of about ten, before pausing briefly. Stand right next to his treads to avoid being hit by the Mets. He’ll also fire an arcing shot at Mega Man and raise his fist to defend his head (which is his only weak point) when Mega Man is standing on the platform that juts out of his lower half. Mega Man will have to jump onto Guts Tank’s front and blast his face with Quick Boomerangs or a charged up Atomic Fire. You can also get multiple hits in on the boss with a carefully timed Crash Bomber. In order to pull off the Crash Bomber trick you’ll have to jump up and fire it at Guts’ fist while it is raised, which will cause the bomb to explode, dealing damage to the boss several times. Hitting his raised fist with a bomb as he rolls forward will result in the most damage.

Normal Mode

A single well placed Crash Bomber will explode against Guts Tank’s fist and drain over half his life on normal. You can then finish him off with a Quick Boomerang or two.

Difficult Mode

The Crash Bomber trick isn’t as effective here, but you can use one or two to soften Guts up if you wish. Otherwise, bombard him with Quick Boomerangs.

Stage 4: BooBeam

Weakness: Crash Bomber

General Strategy

These things are a nightmare. The Boobeams, which are purple-blue colored domes, line the room and will be referred to by number going from left to right, with number 1 being the Boobeam directly over the gate and number 5 being the beam in the lower right-hand corner of the room. Only the Crash Bomber can harm the beams, so you’ll have to make each shot count. To make matters worse, the Boobeams will fire on you about every 8 seconds. They will flash briefly before firing and their shoots come from every direction, so pay attention. Be especially wary of getting hit while on a ledge, because the boss’s bullets will knock you backwards quite a bit. Use Item 1 to reach the platform across from Boobeam 2, you will have to hop slightly before activating Item 1 to be able to jump from it to the platform.

Fire a Crash Bomber at Boobeam 2, then drop down while holding right on the D-Pad to land on the platform below it, which should give you a clear shot at the wall protecting Boobeam 1. Destroy the wall with a Crash Bomber then shoot another one at Boobeam 1. From the same platform, jump up and fire a Crash Bomber at Boobeam 3, then leap up onto the wall behind Boobeam 3 and drop down. This should place you in from of Boobeam 4 which you can hit with another Crash Bomber. Use Item 3 to scale the wall and go down to Boobeam 5. You’ll have to eliminate the wall guarding it before taking it out with your last Crash Bomber.

Mega Man 2 (NES) Boss Guide – RetroMaggedon Gaming (10)

Normal and Difficult Mode

This boss is exactly the same in both game settings.

The Teleport Trick

It is very difficult to dodge the Boobeams’ shots, especially if you are in tight quarters. One way to deal with the problem is to hit start the second the beams fire and change your weapon. Mega Man is briefly invulnerable while spawning back into the room via teleport, which means the beams will pass through him harmlessly if timed right.

Stage 5: Boss Rush and Wily Machine No. 2

Boss Rush

Each teleporter in this room leads to a different boss, which are listed in order of appearance from the top left teleporter to the top right.

Mega Man 2 (NES) Boss Guide – RetroMaggedon Gaming (11)

Recommended Order

You can fight these guys in any order you like, but I try to fight the hardest ones first to ensure that I’ll have enough life when its time to fight Wily. Try to rely on the Metal Blade, Bubble Lead (save about 50% energy if you use this), Quick Boomerang or Mega Buster when possible to conserve stuff like the Air Shooter and Crash Bomber energy.

Wood Man> Quick Man> Air Man> Crash Man> Bubble Man> Flash Man> Heat Man> Metal Man

Boss Rush Tips

Bubble Man- Take advantage of the lack of spikes in his room to leap over Bubble Man.

Flash Man- Metal Blades are probably a better choice this time around, because there are few surfaces for the Crash Bomber to latch onto.

Quick Man- The flat terrain leaves Quick Man exposed and it is easier to fight him in general here. Consider using the Time Stopper while Quick is airborne, running to the other side of the room, and finishing him with the Mega Buster to conserve weapon energy.

Metal Man- Use Metal Blades on him to kill him in one or two hits.

Wiley Machine No.2 (Phase 1)

Weakness: Atomic Fire, Metal Blade, Crash Bomber

General Strategy

Wiley Machine No.2 is very easy to fight in Phase 1, just get into the rhythm of avoiding his shots. The projectiles fired by Wiley sweep across the floor and curve upwards towards the end of the screen, while the Wily Machine moves back and forth. Run to the left a few steps, jump slightly to the right, passing over the shots, and fire a Metal Blade at the front end of the machine. Keep repeating the process to blast the armor off Wily Machine No.2 and begin the next phase. You can use Crash Bombers on him, but save those for the next part of the battle. The Atomic Fire also works very well on Wily Machine No.2, but you’ll be faced with two problems: a) You are probably low on energy b) It takes a while to charge and you’ll have to avoid Wily’s attacks the entire time.

Normal Mode

Phase 1 should end quickly for those playing on normal, because the Metal Blades really tear through the machine. You can also deal a massive amount of damage with a fully charged Atomic Fire.

Difficult Mode

The Atomic Fire is almost certainly out of the question unless you used something else on Wood Man, so get ready for a long battle using the Metal Blades.

Wiley Machine No.2 (Phase 2)

Weakness: Air Shooter, Crash Bomber

General Strategy

It is nearly impossible to avoid Wily’s second phase attack pattern and I don’t recommend trying unless you are going for a no damage run. Instead, fire the Air Shooter at the Bubble which encases Wily and take advantage of the invincibility frames from getting hit or use E-Tanks to stay alive. You can actually blow this guy away in a single hit with a perfectly placed Crash Bomber. Wily will maintain his lateral movement in phase two, so wait until he is just about to begin backing up then fire a Crash Bomber so it passes just under the bubble that holds Wily. If done correctly, the bomb will explode while Wily backs into the blast, destroying the machine almost instantly.

Mega Man 2 (NES) Boss Guide – RetroMaggedon Gaming (12)

Normal and Difficult Mode

The Crash Bomber trick will make the battle end quickly on both difficulty settings. If you can’t pull it off or run out of Crash Bombs, use the Air Shooter. Either way try to make every attack connect or you will be in trouble.

Wily Stage 6: Alien

Weakness: Bubble Lead

General Strategy

The Bubble Lead is the only thing that can harm the Alien and you’re going to have to shoot it at him while you are airborne to get the bubbles to connect. To make matters worse, the Alien’s shots (which are aimed at Mega Man) deal a lot of damage and the Bubble Lead will only shave a few points off of the boss’s life. Luckily, the bullets are not very fast and it is easy to walk or jump away from them. The Alien’s movement is easy to predict as well, since he flies around the room in a horizontal figure eight (infinity sign) and you can reach him when he gets to the center of the room. Hit him about ten to twenty times depending on the difficulty and victory is yours. Be careful with your Bubble Lead shots by the way, because it is the only thing that can hurt this boss.

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